The Wildlands Carbon Initiative
Project Overview
The Wildlands Carbon Initiative is an aggregation program that encompasses 12 properties totaling ~8,500 acres (6,910 forested acres) into a single conservation and carbon sequestration initiative, aiming for increased scale and reduced monitoring costs. Located in New York, Maine, and Connecticut, the program involves the use of Forever Wild conservation easements in order to permanently protect forests that otherwise, under existing state and regional timber harvest guidelines and regulations, would be vulnerable to unsustainable harvesting. By committing to maintain forest CO2 stocks above similarly owned timberlands in the region, the program will provide significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration. This innovative partnership with the Northeast Wilderness Trust (NEWT) and Greenline Climate (Spatial Informatics Group) is currently being expanded through the enrollment of additional forest lands in the region.
Key Attributes
New York, Connecticut, Maine
Project type
Improved Forest Management
American Carbon Registry (ACR)
Project Methodology
Improved Forest Management (IFM) on Non-Federal U.S. Forestlands
Credit Type
Avoidance & Removal
CCP Tagged

Available Vintage
- 2022
- 2023